Framin Service Illustration

At SMA Builders, we take immense pride in our role as dedicated team players on every project we undertake. With over 35 years of experience, we have successfully delivered a diverse range of exceptional projects, including multi-family apartment buildings, commercial structures, and custom homes. Our commitment to excellence ensures that our team consistently operates with the unparalleled quality and productivity for which we are renowned. Central to our character is a genuine care for our workforce. That’s why we prioritize ongoing training and education for our employees, equipping them with the latest skills and knowledge to enhance each job. Our ultimate aim is to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients and partners, ensuring their satisfaction and delight throughout every stage of the project. This dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of SMA
Builders’ mission.

At SMA Builders, safety is paramount, and we uphold this commitment through a robust safety program that fully complies with CAL/OSHA regulations. Our dedicated full-time safety officer oversees the implementation of all safety and health regulations across our projects. With one of the most comprehensive Injury Illness and Prevention programs in place, we prioritize the well-being of our employees, providing them with a safe working environment. Our stringent safety management and procedures not only ensure the protection of our team but also offer our clients peace of mind, knowing that their projects are being executed with the highest standards of safety and professionalism.